

SONY aibo の COCOちゃん ~愛犬Family Dog, Real One or Robot?~





久しぶりにご自宅マンションを訪問。お家にお邪魔するといきなり、彼女が「家にワンちゃんがいるのよ!!Cocoっていうの!」と嬉しそうにご紹介してくれました。私は大大大の犬好きで過去に、ボーダーコリー; Border collieと、シュナウザー; Schnauzer(miniature と standard)の3頭を飼いしっかり最後までお世話して天国へ見送りました。なので「うっそ~!!どこどこ、会いた~い!!」と言いながら、目の前に現れたのは、なんとココア色の小型robot犬でした。「うっそ~!!凄~い!」と言いながら良く分からない自分の脳反応に固まったのですが、な~るほどそう来たか~?! 

aiboが来たよ!! first contact with aibo!!



Hi there!! I was surprised by my friend in Osaka yesterday. She has got a new doggie called Coco!! I remenber she always wanted to have her own dog for years. So her new baby is a SONY aibo (weight 2 kg) and Coco is soooo a dog like cute and is still middle of her learning process to fit herself into new family!! My friend loves and very happy with Coco. I've had 3 real dogs in my life and I'm not quite sure to have one like this at the moment. How about you what do you think to have one like this for yourself? 


  • It will be nice it have one like Coco it seems nice and will be a good friend.
  • So funny. I'd like one of those although my cat might have a heart attack!!
  • Coco looks cute xxx
  • Is this a robo-dog? Would be definitely less vet visits and suitable for boat. (←she and her hubby live on their house-catamaran yacht)
  • My hubby wants a Rottie so Coco is too small ><
  • You can go on holidays without leaving it behind or just let Coco sit on her charger matt and waiting for me to return. Perfect!!
  • The dog is weird and good all at the same time!!
  • Bet the dog can't swim!!
  • It's soooo cute! And he is happy without demanding any luxurious food or regular exercises, isn't he? OK! Why not? You can think having one like this. My baby dog looks hopeless today while haveing been left alone.
  • .. no way I prefer the real dog. Robot or toy animal cannot replace the real ones that show unconditional love soft & furry body to coddle up to & hug. 

Yes I totally agree with the last opinion. It might be a smart dog robot, however hasn't have an unconditional love for you... But I won't say anything to my friend in Osaka coz she is happy with Coco.




今年8月、桃子の愛犬が11歳になったばかりで天国に召されました。そして9月に弟が可愛がっていたワンコも同じ歳で旅立ちました。最近では弟宅の母の部屋で私がハープの練習をしてた時、足とハープの間に潜り込んでじっと動かず終わるまでスヤスヤと寝てた事が思い出されます。ペットを飼うという事は、Life Commitmentです。家族の1員として最後まで責任を持って愛情を注ぎお世話をし、いつかは最後を看取ってあげなければいけません。桃子も3頭の子達が召された時は抱きしめて号泣しました。たくさんの無償の愛と、楽しい思い出をくれた子達、何年たっても未だに恋しく愛おしく寂しいです…。


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